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Caltrans is replacing the East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge to provide a seismically upgraded vehicular crossing on Interstate 80 between Yerba Buena Island (YBI) and Oakland for current and future bridge users. Project construction has four primary components:

Geofill at the Oakland Touchdown

Oakland Approach Structures


Self-Anchored Suspension/Yerba Buena Island transition structure (SAS/YBI)

En savoir plus

After conclusion of the environmental review process, which included the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement/Statutory Exemption, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved the East Span Project in a Record of Decision dated July 11, 2001. The Record of Decision explained the reasons for the decision and summarized the mitigation measures that were to be incorporated into the project.

Caltrans has also coordinated with a variety of state and federal resource and regulatory agencies. Caltrans and the agencies came to agreement on mitigation measures and Caltrans obtained permits to construct the new bridge (see Permits section for specific information). 


 Biological mitigation and monitoring are being implemented in accordance with the requirements of FHWA and the various permits. Biological resources and related items which may be affected by construction of the project and are covered as part of the biological monitoring program include birds, fish, marine mammals, eelgrass, and water quality (see Monitoring Subjects Overview section for more information). Monitoring protocols have been developed for each resource that specify how the monitoring is to be performed (see Monitoring Protocols section for specific information).

Caltrans is also working with multiple agencies to develop off-site mitigation opportunities for creation or improvement of habitat in the north and central Bay (see Off-Site Mitigation section for more information).

Another component of construction that has biological implications is the disposal and reuse of dredged material. Options for disposal and reuse will depend on site availability and cost effectiveness. See Dredged Material Disposal and Reuse section for the latest information on disposal and reuse activities.


Marine Mammal Eastbound Report.pdf 6/1/2004 Hydroacoustics, Marine Mammals Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 1507 KB

marine mammal memo 05-15-04.pdf 5/15/2004 Marine Mammals Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 78 KB

Herring 2004 Report.pdf 5/7/2004 Fish Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 239 KB

marine mammal memo 05-6-04.pdf 5/6/2004 Marine Mammals Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 79 KB

WEGURescue4 041.pdf 5/5/2004 Birds Bridge Construction Area Other 106 KB

Bird Memo Week of 4-26-04.pdf 4/26/2004 Birds Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 109 KB

Bird Memo Week of 4-19-04.pdf 4/19/2004 Birds Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 106 KB

Bird Memo Week of 4-12-04.pdf 4/12/2004 Birds Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 105 KB

Marine Mammal Baseline Monitoring Report.pdf 4/8/2004 Marine Mammals Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 324 KB

Bird Memo Week of 4-5-04.pdf 4/5/2004 Birds Bridge Construction Area Monitoring Report 108 KB

Construction of the new East Span required approval from a variety of regulatory agencies. The following permits have been obtained and allow for the new bridge to be built under certain conditions:

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Incidental Harassment Authorization

[Issued November 4, 2003] [pdf - 225 KB]

Allows Caltrans to take a small number of marine mammals by harassment incidental to construction as long as certain conditions are complied with.

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2001-021-03

[Issued November 19, 2001] [pdf - 3.57 MB]

Covers the bird species of California least tern, California brown pelican, and American peregrine falcon; and the fish species of Sacramento River winter- and spring-run Chinook salmon and Coho salmon.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Permit No. 023013-0S

[Issued December 04, 2001] [pdf - 542 KB]

Authorizes construction of the replacement bridge in Waters of the U.S., including dredging and discharge of materials.

U.S Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Permit No. 023013-0S Letter of Modification

[Issued April 02, 2002] [pdf - 582 KB]

Allows for dredged material disposal at the Deep Ocean Disposal Site.

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) Permit No. 8-01

[Issued November 20, 2001, Last Amended January 5, 2004, Reflects Amendments 1-6, and 8] [pdf - 363 KB]

Grants permission to construct a replacement bridge as long as the specified special conditions are met. Areas covered by the special conditions include public access, dredging, riprap, special aquatic site mitigation, and minimizing impacts to birds and fish.

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement

[Issued October 30, 2001] [pdf - 1.08 MB]

Covers the fish species of Central California Coast and Central Valley steelhead, Central Valley spring-run Chinook, Sacramento River winter-run Chinook, and Central California Coho salmon.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Biological Opinion

[Issued October 29, 2001] [pdf - 5.91 MB]

Covers the bird species of California least tern and California brown pelican.

California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order 01-120

[Issued October 17, 2001] [pdf - 409 KB]

Places restrictions on activities that would discharge waste into surface waters.

California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order R2-2002-0011

[Issued January 23, 2002] [pdf - 806 KB]

Specifies waste discharge requirements for the East Span Project, including the submission of the following documents to the Board: Dredging Operations Plan, Self-Monitoring Plan for Turbidity, Central Bay Mitigation Site Workplan, On-site Eelgrass Restoration Workplan, Stormwater Management Plan, and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) New Bridge Permit

[Issued December 11, 2001] [pdf - 2.46 MB]

Approves the location and plans for the replacement bridge.

Partnerships With Other Agencies

Caltrans is entering into agreements with several agencies to provide funding for specific research or habitat improvements as part of mitigation for the East Span Project.

Caltrans is partnering with:

USFWS - To remove and remediate hazardous materials and demolish and dispose of infrastructure at NSGA - Skaggs Island, a possible habitat restoration site. A Letter of Understanding is in progress.

East Bay Regional Park District - To create and restore special aquatic sites within the Eastshore State Park; a Letter of Understanding was signed in June 2003.

NMFS - To restore salmon habitat tributary to the Central and South Bay. Negotiations to transfer $3.5 million to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to administer the program is currently in process. An agreement to guide the relationship between Caltrans, National Marine Fisheries Service, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is being developed.